The Meaning of Di In IGBO Tradition, It Does Not Mean Husband On Its Own

I watched a video where Archbishop Anthony Obinna of Owerri dioceses was commenting on the injustices of OSU practice in Igbo land.

The Archbishop stated that Di means husband in Igbo, and that land is Arusi (deity), therefore, Di-Ala means husband of Arusi. This assertion is incorrect.

Your Biggest Opponent Is... Your Biggest Ally Is…

“Did you realize that your biggest opponent is always with you? Who? Your ego!

Ego desires recognition and control, interferes with performance and learning, likes to impress and boast, and gets upset and defensive. Ego gets in the way of your success, relationships, and personal growth.

Mali – Whether Civilian Or Military, A Coup Is A Coup

“Those who make peaceful [change] impossible will make violent [change] inevitable”, according to John F Kennedy. This is the current situation in Mali. 

The country’s military has decided to change the government in Mali since the politicians refused to respect the change of government that Malians voted for.

The whole world has condemned the military coup in Mali. From ECOWAS to the African Union, from the European Union to the American Union (US), and from every other union in the world to the United Nations.

The Return Of The Author Of “The Satanic Verses” Of Abia State

In 1988, Mr. Salman Rushdie published a novel he called “The Satanic Verses”. The book was partly based on the life of Prophet Mohammad.

Mr Rushdie highlighted some verses of the Quran and information from other sources, which questioned what the prophet Muhammad claimed to be.

Mallam Isa Funtua: The Man Who Manipulated The Central Bank Of Nigeria

Mallam Isa Funtua was an in-law and associate of President Muhammadu Buhari. He died a few weeks ago. While Mr. Funtua was alive, he was alleged to have controlled the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and its foreign exchange (Forex) trade.

Dictators Are The Last To See A Looming Revolution

In 1989, while lounging on the sofa in my one-bedroom flat in London, I watched on live television the unfolding revolution in Romania.

It started in the city of Timisoara when the government used the secret police (Securitate) of Nicolae Ceausescu, the Romanian dictator, to crush the protest against the eviction of the Pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church.

However, on 21/December/1989, the communist party assembled some workers to grace Ceausescu’s speech on the happenings in Timisoara. There were over 100,000 of them who attended the rally simply because they were afraid to lose their jobs.

Biafra Is More Than A Place, Biafra Is An Idea.

When Jewish children turn 13 years old, for boys and 12 years old, for girls, they celebrate their bar or bat mitzvah, respectively. According to Jewish tradition, this is when Jewish children become responsible for their actions.

"believe nothing… unless it agrees with your own... common sense." - Buddha

A drawing depicting the initiation of an Illuminati member. Universal Images Group / Getty Images

The criminal justice system in Europe, the US, and other developed countries uses a jury system to determine the guilt or innocence of an individual. These 12 people who make up the jury are just ordinary citizens. They are the test of reasonableness.