It’s Christmas; what are you celebrating? Think twice!

Santa Claus on the move
Every 25th December, the ‘world’ celebrates Christmas, which according to some Christians was the day Jesus was born. Thus, I wasn’t surprised when my son’s primary school invited us to their 2016 Nativity Play. Nativity is the stage performance of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. This year's Play was acted by pupils between the ages of 5 & 7.

Does Money Talk?

While on a visit to Johannesburg, South Africa to see a friend who transacts at Sandton city; a big argument was going on over who has more money than the other as I walked into his office. My presence kind of punctured the argument resulting to the other party leaving the premises. My host then turned to me and asked; does money talk?

Donald Trump: the President-elect that did everything to Lose

“My read is that he has learned something he didn't know before. It's a tentative hand position," Ms Wood said. “Trump holds his own hands as he begins speaking which is an indication he needs to comfort himself.” 

Generally, politicians play the human factor during election campaigns. They embrace diversity in order to win an election or get re-elected. They fake humility, hobnob with the rich, the poor, the vulnerable, etc.

Nigeria’s Airports’ Officials: The Pretenders; The Troublesome; The Beggars

Travelling to a new country is usually an experience worth savouring. The anxiety of not knowing what to expect from airport officials, especially when you are travelling on a Nigerian passport, adds flavour to your expectations.

Dr Okezie Ikpeazu and Dr Uche Ogar: The Beasts in an Animal Farm

Animal Farm is an original work of George Orwell (1945). In his essay, ‘Why I Write’ (1946) Orwell explained that the main reason he wrote Animal Farm was to "to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole". 

Thus, I beg to borrow Orwell’s reasoning as I write about the political shenanigans in Abia state, Nigeria. Abia State, in all honesty, can only be described as an Animal Farm.

Nigeria’s Economic Recession: The Problem Has Only Started; Next Stop – Depression

In 1964, the Bankers’ magazine published an adage, which it rephrased as, "Let me tell you about the law of holes: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." 

This came as advice to financial services professionals, especially to traders on the floor of stock exchanges around the world. The message was simply, if you are losing money stop and reconsider your strategy.

It’s Eid-El-Kabir: When Ibrahim/Abraham Obeyed God to Sacrifice his only son – Ishmael or Isaac?

Courtesy of C. Emenike 08055134573
It’s another period when Muslims all over the world celebrate the willingness of Ibrahim to obey Allah/God and sacrifice his ‘only’ son. Luckily, before he could slaughter his son God showed him the Ram to use instead. And so, Muslims all over the world slaughter Rams in this period to commemorate that incident.

Everything changes - Not in Nigeria - Except Pres. Buhari’s change

Buhari's Change begins with you
My 6 years old son and I went to Peckham in South London to buy some African food stuff. I barely packed my car when he made an observation. He said Papa; there are lots of Africans here. I said yes. He asked why? Well, because they like it here. After some silence, he quipped; and the whole place is dirty.