
Masters Energy & His Strategy

In a classic Nigerian situation, a BigMan is a man with loads of money. He is controlled by ego and likely to be a politician or a godfather to politicians. When he speaks bullshit walks and it’s neither because he is super intelligent nor has special attributes that others lack, just that he is rich.

A Bank’s Dilemma with Interest Rate

A bank exists to make profit just like any other corporate organisation. It is statutorily allowed to trade with its customers’ funds upon meeting its capital adequacy requirement.

It’s Ramadan

DOM : Happy Sunday GARY : Same to you my brother. DOM : I didn’t see you in the church today

What Worshiping God Is About

The kidnapping in CHIBOK: Fact or Fiction

My son’s friend in London once asked him; where are you from originally? My son answered Nigeria. He further asked; do you understand and speak Nigerian? My son replied that he understands and speaks IGBO. The boy was taken aback; you said you are from Nigeria; you don’t speak Nigerian but IGBO, so what does that make you?

Tribute to Nelson Mandela (Madiba)

It was 5th December 2013; a breaking news; an African (a black man) who the world acknowledged that lived a better life than them passed on. That man was Nelson Mandela. He died at the age of 95.

Bank Lending, Risks and Crisis Management

Bob Hope  (1903 - 2003), a comedian and film actor stated, “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it”.