Boko Haram and Their Kidnappings: Like Chibok Girls; Like Dapchi Girls: Another Deception?

In April 2014, Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped over 200 school girls from Chibok community in Bornu sate of Nigeria. Well, that was the story given to the world by the Nigerian government. That incident occurred few months to the Presidential election held in early 2015.

From that day onward, the then incumbent president (Mr. Jonathan) was labelled as weak and ineffective. President Buhari who was in opposition then was hyped as a ‘strong man’ who would defeat Boko Haram and rescue the Chibok girls.

A Pastor Is A Motivational Speaker Than A Man Of God

I briefly found myself in a Church after many years. And it was exactly at the time the Pastor was delivering his sermon. The pastor was a vibrant young man, his eloquence was remarkable.

But what particularly drew my attention was the theme of his sermon – “putting the right peg in the right hole”. In summary, he argued that if you don’t do the right thing, don’t expect God to answer your prayers. In other words; “heaven helps those who help themselves”.

Why It Is Not Possible To Forgive And Forget

Forgive and Forget!
We are often required to forgive our offenders and equally forget their injuries to us. Well, we can forgive and forget depending on the injury caused.

If the body/flesh was injured, there is the possibility that we would forgive and forget if the injury was a genuine accident. Such as playground injuries or other injuries which were unintentional. The Mind tends to forget these types of injuries.

Jesus: Messiah For The Gentiles? And Jehovah, The God Of Israel?

Matthew 15: 22-24
22. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23. Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24. He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

Besides, "He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him." -John 1:11

From the above bible verses, it is perceptible that Jesus was sent for Israel. But the children of Israel rejected him.

BitCoin Is Like MMM - Bubble Waiting To Bust

Africans, especially Nigerians like getting involved in what they don’t thoroughly understand, as long as there is money to be made.

In 2016, people from West to East and to South of the African continent got enmeshed in the Ponzi scheme created by 3 Russians; Sergey Mavrodi, Vyacheslav Mavrodi, and Olga Melnikova (MMM). They promised as much as 50% monthly interest on deposits.

Tithe Is Used To Support The Church, Priesthood And For Works Of Mercy

It is my opinion that the payment of a tenth (tithe) or more is very essential in order to support charitable organizations, which include Churches, etc. But there must be accountability.

Our society needs charities to complement governments in the provision of social amenities, and most especially in the care of the less privileged. For instance, I attended a secondary school that was set up by the Methodist Church. During that period, also, most of the schools in Nigeria were established by Churches, such as Catholic, Anglican, Baptist and etc.

Tithes Remain The Inheritance Of The Levites In Accordance With Moses Law.

Tithe plainly means tenth. “The tenth part of agricultural produce or personal income set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the church, priesthood…” – Dictionary definition.

Incidentally, Jesus was not recorded anywhere in the Bible to have paid tithes, neither did He collect tithes nor condemn tithing. Perhaps, the reason Jesus didn’t collect tithes was because he wasn’t a Levite. And maybe the reason he didn't condemn tithing was because he did not come to abolish the law of Moses - Matthew 5:17.

Then, why do the present day Pastors, who claim to be following the footsteps of Jesus and themselves not Levites, collect tithes?