Uncle : But our Ome N'ala Igbo (Igbo Traditional Religion) is very similar to Judaism, the religion of the Jews. So, in some ways, IGBO must be related to the Jews.
PAPA : So what did Paul teach the Greeks about God that they didn’t already know? UNCLE : Please ask our Born Again, the Pastor, and the General Overseer…
SON : Papa; you know that I love you very much. You have done so much for me in this life that I will forever remain grateful. But there is one final favour that I need from you.
Africans and Igbo people of west Africa in particular, believe that Owls are satanic birds. The main reason why they have this belief, in my opinion, is because Owls operate at nights. Moreover, the sight of a bird that can turn its neck 270 degrees, can be very scary.
courtesy of iStock Every August is a period when the Igbo people (Nigeria) of West Africa have their most important celebration - the New Yam Festival, known as Iri-Ji or Ike-Ji in the Igbo language. Ji means Yam in English. And before the exploits of Christianity, the new yam festival was the “Christmas of Igbo people”.