Uche Ogah and the ‘Promise of God’

According to the Bible, God created man in his own image and I suppose that image should be the Spirit of God. In view of this, it’s possible to hear God when He speaks as long as you are in the spirit.

That was the case with Uche Ogah, a ‘born again’ Christian who was promised by God through some ‘men of God’ that he will become the Governor of Abia State in 2015.

Why Muhammadu Buhari Loses Presidential Elections

Muhammadu Buhari has been constantly accused of being a Muslim fundamentalist. 

And he has always denied this accusation.

God Botherers

In Europe, particularly in England, there’s a slang known as God botherers. Urban dictionary defines God botherer as “a person who bothers poor old God too much with [his/her] excessive annoying devotion & who tries to convert people to the lord”; usually against their wish.

Pres. Jonathan’s Self-destruct button

The 2015 general election is barely 3 months away and President Jonathan has, as it stands, secured his party’s presidential nomination.

In my opinion, that’s the only visible thing he has achieved towards his re-election bid. If PDP hadn't offered him an ‘automatic’ ticket, he would have faced party primaries against other aspirants.

The rise of a new Bornu Empire – Boko Haram

‘The downfall of a man is not the end of his life’ is a common saying amongst Africans. With this statement in mind, it seems that the defunct Bornu Empire is about being reinstated, albeit through Boko Haram.

Naira devaluation: the domino effect

According to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Naira, the Nigerian currency is under pressure because of falling oil prices and excessive demand for foreign currencies.

Hence, the CBN thought the best way to ease pressure on the Naira was to devalue the currency from the official fixed exchange rate of N155/US$ to N168/US$.

Killing in the name God

The holy books of all Abrahamic religions, namely; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, declare that God created man solely to worship HIM.

But did God ever ask them to also kill in HIS name? Well, one of the 10 commandments of the King James Version (KJV) of the book of Exodus, chapter 20 states; “Thou shalt not kill”. This law was given to Moses for the Jews.

Who is reversing the dogmas of Christianity?

Buddha, a teacher and spiritualist, told his followers; “believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense”.

But a Christian is compelled to believe everything he’s told even if it doesn’t agree with his common sense. He dares not question anything, especially if it’s written in the bible, lest he’s labelled blasphemous.

Dividend of Democracy: What The People Want

Uyo Stadium - Akwa Ibom State
In finance, dividend is the sum of money set aside from a company’s earnings, which will be distributed to its shareholders. 

The number of shares an investor holds determines his dividend and his say in the company. So profits are divided in proportion to the shareholder’s stake.

Nigerian Democracy: should minority lead majority?

The result of the United States’ (US) midterm elections is known. The Republican Party won the most seats in the US Senate. Pres. Obama and his Democratic Party are in a precarious situation since they have lost control of the Congress.