
Showing posts with the label Religion

Betrayal: The Limit To Forgiveness

The European way of life masked as Christianity has two fundamentals - Love and Forgiveness.  The greatest Commandment, according to Jesus, is love.  Love God with all your heart... And the second greatest is, love your neighbour as yourself... - Matthew 22:37-39.

Prophet T.B Joshua: A Man of God Or A Satanic Man?

When I heard of the ‘sudden’ death of Prophet TB Joshua (TB), my initial thought was, so these men of god are mortals after all. How could a man who performed all unimaginable miracles die young, and suddenly?

A Black Man/African Is Easily Brainwashed

If a black man/African is not being brainwashed by a freedom fighter (supposed), he is brainwashed by an Imam (Islam) a Pastor (Christianity), or a Politician. We cannot think for ourselves. We allow a freedom fighter to think for us, and nobody must question the ‘savior’. We allow our Imam or our Pastor to tell us how to live our lives, even when to sleep with our wives. You must not question the man of god to avoid pestilence befalling you.

Buhari’s Government Of ‘Repentant’ Terrorists

The criminal justice system assumes that there’s a probability for a first offender to re-offend.  Hence, criminal records were developed to keep the data of criminals and the types of crimes they committed. Since a re-offender will likely commit the same type of crime, the Police use the criminal records system to eliminate suspects about the type of crime they are investigating.

Is There Anything Like A Born-Again Christian?

The first time the term “born again” was mentioned in the bible was during the dialogue between Jesus and a Pharisee named Nicodemus – John 3. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and called him a teacher (and not a son of God), and said to him, you must come from God otherwise you won’t be performing all these signs.

"believe nothing… unless it agrees with your own... common sense." - Buddha

The criminal justice system in Europe, the US, and other developed countries uses a jury system to determine the guilt or innocence of an individual.  These 12 people who make up the jury are just ordinary citizens. They are the test of reasonableness. 

Boko Haram & Fulani (Terrorists) Herdsmen – War Without End

Prior to 2015, Buhari was familiar with Boko haram and Boko Haram was familiar with Buhari. Buhari even stated that “any attack on Boko haram is an attack on northern Nigeria”. When President Jonathan declared Boko haram a terrorist organization, Buhari kicked against it. Even boko haram nominated Buhari to represent them in a proposed peace talk with the federal government of Nigeria. Hence, when Buhari became the president of Nigeria everyone expected Boko haram’s attacks to subside, after all, the man (Buhari) they once nominated as a representative is now the president of Nigeria.

Leah Sharibu

Leah Sharibu “Dead men don’t praise Jah” according to Majek Fashek (a popular Nigerian musician).  A lesson Leah Sharibu (Leah) didn’t know or forgot while in the custody of Boko haram terrorists. Other Dapchi girls kidnapped alongside Leah were released except her because she refused to denounce Christianity and convert to Islam.


Someone asked me to explain capitalism to him. Well, capitalism is simply Matthew 25:29. And what does it say? “For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” 

As 144,000 shall inherit heaven: so shall the meek inherit the earth

According to the culture of the Igbo people (Ndigbo) of West Africa, when a man dies he goes to neither heaven nor hell. He will reincarnate (born-again into the world) to face the good or the bad he perpetrated in his previous life.

AMADIOHA (Africa’s god of thunder and lightening) has visited bigoted Trump and his America

It was Hurricane Harvey, followed by Hurricane Irma, and on its way is hurricane Jose, all originating from the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is synonymous with the transatlantic slave trade. The route African slaves were shipped to the Americas. 

Ome N’ala Igbo (Igbo/African Tradition) is a Religion

Religion; “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by several persons or sects.” - Let me simply put it this way – religion is a way of life. This being the case, just like any other agreement, laws, and punishments are usually put in place to enforce the agreed beliefs – do this; don’t do that.

A Woman Marries A Man In European/Christian Tradition, Man Marries A Woman In Igbo/African Traditions – The Fallout

Ephesians 5:31 of the Christian bible states; - "…a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This is purely European tradition. Therefore, if a man leaves his father and mother to join his wife, it invariably means that he has left his father’s house to go and live with his wife in her own house. The woman has married him.

God Created Diversity And He’s Not Stupid

‘Why do black people tend to have big lips and white people seem to have small lips?’ I came across this question from an online forum, but I cannot recall exactly where. Well, another person on the same forum responded; ‘because it’s natural…; it's like asking why the sky is blue and the grass is green.’

If Thou Shall Not Judge How Shall Thou Forgive?

President Vladimir Putin of  Russia  was quoted to have said; "to forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to Him is up to me". Even though President Putin may not have made that statement, this is one such online statement that the author remains unproven but has gone viral.

African (Igbo) Tradition As Contained In Psalm 7

Like Jose Mourinho – Chelsea football manager would say: “There are fights that you cannot win”, especially when it appears that everything and everybody is against you. This type of fight could come from conspirators that for reasons unknown to you initiate false charges against you.  And since nobody is willing to plead your cause, you are thereby convicted as charged.

My Forefather’s Encounter at the Gates of Heaven

Suddenly, a very loud trumpet sounded. The bones of the dead started rising from their graves and humanity started running helter-skelter. A certain man stopped and asked; what is happening?  An overconfident Christian man replied; Jesus has come to judge the dead and the living. Soon after, a long queue was formed towards a cloudy direction where Jesus was supposedly sitting on his throne judging the people.  A man behind me in hysteria asked; where is my son? 

eBible Fellowship: the world will end on 7/October/2015 – but the world didn’t end.


In Ome N’ala: A son is not responsible for his Father’s debts if:-


Is Homosexuality Alien to Africa?

The majority of Africans all over the world have been making a lot of noise about the legalization of Gay marriage by the US Supreme Court.