Donald Trump’s Re-election Bid And His Ill-informed Supporters In Nigeria
In America, issues such as Racism, the Economy, Coronavirus, immigration, climate change, etc. will determine how Americans will vote. Each of these issues directly affects the well-being of the electorate.
Mr. Kim Jun Un of North Korea will likely be rooting for the re-election of Mr. Trump. In Trump, he has a ‘lover’ who is ready to tolerate his unrestrained behavior.
Mr. Kim Jun Un of North Korea will likely be rooting for the re-election of Mr. Trump. In Trump, he has a ‘lover’ who is ready to tolerate his unrestrained behavior.
President Putin of Russia, apparently, is no longer interested in Trump. What he expected while supporting Mr. Trump in 2016 wasn’t what he got from him thereafter.
A few weeks ago, Putin gave what seemed like silent support for Joe Biden. Putin told reporters that there’s no evidence that Hunter Biden (Biden’s son) conducted fraudulent dealings in Ukraine. Thereby contradicting Trump's accusation that Hunter Bidden committed fraud in Ukraine.
China, obviously, wouldn’t want to see Trump back at the White House. President Xi of China wants free trade and has been having a running battle with Trump regarding trade agreements.
EU countries are interested in a free market. And the NATO members in the EU are concerned about the deteriorating nature of the alliance caused by Trump’s lack of interest. Nevertheless, Donald Trump is against Free trade.
By the way, free trade is international trade without ‘tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.’ And it is why America blocked the emergence of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the DG of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Okonjo-Iweala is a liberal economist who believes in open market/free trade, which she pursued as the MD of the World Bank. Trump knows about this background.
Joe Biden is committed to free trade, and that suggests where the Europeans have hedged their bets. But they will never say it openly.
But what are the interests of Africa and its citizens in this US presidential election? Let’s consider the interests of Nigeria - the acclaimed giant of Africa.
The Nigerian government of today is unseen and unheard of. It is hard to gauge what the regime of Buhari expects from the president of the free world.
However, Nigerian citizens have been vocal about their preference between Trump and Biden. Mr. Trump is their choice. If their votes would count, Trump would have already won the election.
But why do they support Trump?
- Christianity
Their argument is that Trump is their new lord and personal savior who was sent from heaven to protect Christians. In addition, Trump has authorized Christian prayers to be said at the White House before the commencement of government activities.
Ignorance is bliss. America is a secular state. It has no official religion. Religion is a private matter in the USA. Since the US has no state religion as enshrined in its constitution, Trump could not have authorized Christian prayers at the White House. FALSE
- Biafra
The other set of ill-informed supporters of Trump in Nigeria are the members of IPOB. These people are particularly militant about their support for Trump. In fact, they are expecting Trump to give them Biafra by December 2020. This is nothing but Chimera.
- Christianity
Their argument is that Trump is their new lord and personal savior who was sent from heaven to protect Christians. In addition, Trump has authorized Christian prayers to be said at the White House before the commencement of government activities.
Ignorance is bliss. America is a secular state. It has no official religion. Religion is a private matter in the USA. Since the US has no state religion as enshrined in its constitution, Trump could not have authorized Christian prayers at the White House. FALSE
- Biafra
The other set of ill-informed supporters of Trump in Nigeria are the members of IPOB. These people are particularly militant about their support for Trump. In fact, they are expecting Trump to give them Biafra by December 2020. This is nothing but Chimera.
I doubt that Trump has ever heard of an IPOB operating in a ‘shithole’ country like Nigeria, under a lifeless president called Muhammadu Buhari. Trump has no interest in Africa and talks less of Biafra.
If President Trump had an interest in Biafra, he would have known that Okonjo-Iweala is more Biafran than those propagating Biafra. Okonjo’s Father was a Biafran soldier.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as a teenage girl, together with her mother, cooked for Biafran soldiers. That was her own account of the Biafran war. And therefore, Trump would have supported Okonjo’s WTO bid.
Besides, can anyone tell me how the protection of Christians would add a cup of garri to the meal of Trump’s supporters in Nigeria?
Just imagine for a second the benefit of not paying any tariff for goods imported into Nigeria. Which is beneficial to people, free trade or free Christianity?
My people prefer the candidate who will protect their religion than the one who will add value to their lives. And the latter is what the rest of the world is seeking for its citizens.
Meanwhile, most Nigerians who live in Europe and America are against Trump because of his perceived racism. And he has not hidden his romance with the white supremacists, either.
Unfortunately, our preoccupation in Africa is Christianity while chasing the Biafra illusion in Nigeria. Until we Africans emancipate ourselves from religious (Christian) bondage, our future will continue to look bleak.
Between Trump and Biden, only Americans will decide.
~liberate your mind