Ladipo Market Lagos: You Own The Name, I Own The Investment, Nsogbu Adiro (No Wahala)

In the late 1990s, a spare parts auto trader bought a brand-new Nissan Pathfinder SUV. 

He took his girlfriend to the Lords Night Club, Maryland Lagos, to celebrate his new car.

While on the dance floor, the guy danced and flicked his car key so everyone would notice him.

A fellow trader noticed the car key he was flicking and asked if he bought a new car. 

Air Peace Nigeria: You Don't Need London Heathrow Airport

In 2011 Arik Air had issues securing slots at London Heathrow Airport (LHR). 

The Nigerian government retaliated by reducing British Airways' slots to Lagos airport.

History is about to repeat itself, but this time, it's in the protection of Air Peace. 

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

My uncle once spent days looking for his new hat. 

Finally, he decided to go to church on Sunday and sit in the back. 

During the service, he would sneak out and grab a hat from the rack at the front door.

Even Though “The Law Is An Ass", It Is Unjust In Nigeria.

Ass is an informal English name for a Donkey. In England, a Donkey is perceived as a foolish animal.

Thus, when someone/something is referred to as an Ass, it simply means that the person/thing is stupid.

In Oliver Twist, 1838, according to Charles Dickens, Mr. Bumble whose wife is domineering was unhappy when he was told in court that "...the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction".

Betrayal: The Limit To Forgiveness

The European way of life masked as Christianity has two fundamentals - Love and Forgiveness. 

The greatest Commandment, according to Jesus, is love. 

Love God with all your heart... And the second greatest is, love your neighbour as yourself... - Matthew 22:37-39.

Prostate Gland Enlargement: What To Do

Every man is born with a prostate gland. And the gland enlarges as the man gets older. This is normal. 

However, every prostate gland enlarges differently in every man.

Some enlarged prostate glands may be benign (no cancer), others may become cancerous (cancer).